"We grew up with an internet that gradually ate away at the bonds between us and now companies are charging us for their shitty substitute. Real, organic communities have fallen away. Genuine connection is harder to find. So companies can package up intimacy for a generation that never knew the real thing and sell it back to us with a subscription fee." That one hit hard.

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This feels so incredibly frighteningly true. Really well stated. It makes me worried for the future for the kids especially. It’s like this commoditizing of both loneliness and boredom and stripping people away from dealing with real human emotions and dealing with them . Then forcing an artificial so easily accessed substitute to rid them of any uncomfortable feelings, at such a high cost literally and figuratively. Its more insidious and rampant and accessible than drug could be. It’s frightening and hard to imagine where this leads in a more hopeful for humanity way. Important to pay mind to though , so thanks for writing it!

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Wow, another fantastic one, the parts about loneliness and depression are spot on.

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Great (and distressing) article. I had no idea chatbot “friends” were becoming such a big thing, but I’m not surprised. Reading the App Store sales copy for Replika was like reading a Black Mirror script.

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As a gen Z woman I strongly relate!! Although I don’t use these apps, I have been guilty of playing YouTube/ podcasts most mornings whilst getting ready to avoid ‘thinking’. This article has been the wake up I needed to nip these small habits in the bud, while I still can. Thank you!

Also it is interesting to consider the similarities between the Japanese technological market aimed at lonely young men and women, which has been chugging along for some time now. Very similar marketing. 🤔

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Building a community requires effort and cost. It's challenging, but young people can rise up to the occasion. "It is difficulties that show what men are" (Epictetus).

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You lightening this to us, its a kind of a stage of mutual meeting. Next one is to create more meaningful communication for those "lonely souls" who are now in danger. To do that we have to have our own media - clear and simple. All parts are here, but players are still separated

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